Students Enjoy The Blessings
From 8:10 a.m. to 3:10 p.m., students in K-6 grades enjoy the blessing of individualized attention due to small class sizes. Class sizes average about 12 students per grade level in K-6. Currently the 3rd/4th grades are combined in one classroom due to numbers of students in class and classroom space available. Plans are to separate these grade levels as soon as funding allows Unity to move to a larger facility. Unity has a policy that no classroom will enroll more than 25 students.
Each general education classroom focuses on integrating a Biblical worldview throughout all areas of learning. Students are taught Math, ELA (English/Language Arts) with an emphasis on reading, phonics, and spelling, Science, Social Studies, and Bible as their core curriculum. Students also leave their classroom to attend music, art, and physical education (P.E.).

In P.E., students do a wide variety of activities including roller skating, archery, jump roping, and do a semi-annual physical fitness run as well participate in other group activities in the gym throughout the year. In 5th/6th grade, P.E. classes also go off-site to engage in swimming and tennis during the year.
Every Wednesday morning, K-6 students attend chapel as a group. During chapel, students enjoy a time of praise and worship as well as hear a short message from a guest speaker that challenges them to grow spiritually.

K-6 students all attend outdoor recess mid-morning and following lunch each day. On inclement weather days, students have recess indoors. Hot lunch is served daily and students get the opportunity to have a snack break during the day.
5th and 6th graders have the opportunity to participate in band. Students are pulled from their independent study time to attend small group band lessons as well as full band rehearsals.
In their regular music classes that all students attend, students are taught the basics of music and music appreciation as well as rehearse for upcoming music concerts. All students are required to participate in seasonal music concerts throughout the year. Art projects are also on display during these concert events.

2nd thru 6th grade students have the opportunity to participate in Little Hoops, which is a co-ed, intramural basketball skills program that runs for 5-6 weeks on Saturday mornings, typically starting in January. Participants demonstrate their skills during pre-game or half-time at home high school basketball games.
5th and 6th grade students also participate in a spelling bee as well as have the option to participate in the following extra-curricular activities: girls’ volleyball, boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball, and co-ed track.
No matter what our K-6 grade students are doing, they are encouraged to love God, love people, and be the person God created them to be.Ìý